Freitag, November 18, 2005

Space Park Bremen ist verkauft!!!

In der Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag hat die Besitzerin der Immobilie , die Dresdner Bank, eine Entscheidung gefällt. Wie die genau ausgesehen hat, konnten mir die Vögelchen leider noch nicht verraten!
Morgen gibt es sicherlich mehr Info!


At So. Feb. 12, 08:26:00 PM MEZ, Anonymous Anonym said...

SPACEPARK DREAMING: Indeed the Triple Five Group is a very close-knit and secretive Canadian based family operation. Their Edmonton Mall property and related smaller real estate investments in the past having never made any significant money or cash returns. Thus in all of these years, (the Edmonton Mall opened in 1981) Triple Five never having expanded or added new mall properties anywhere in Canada or even attempting to entering the very lucrative markets of the US.

On a more sinister side TRIPLE FIVE was hoping to taking over SIMONS ?Mall Of America,? and which was financed by Teachers Insurance Investments and SIMON (the largest American developer of malls numbering close to 250 properties) and minority partner and mall leasing agent. This recent legal hassle and affair started by Triple Five only underscoring the ways of their sinister business ethics. More specifically Triple Five never having had any real cash in the 'Mall of America' deal structure from the very beginning.

SPACEPARK on the other hand has indeed been looked over by many other American mall developers, including SIMON, but the property location and political ramifications, it's past bloated mismanaged development history, leasing restrictions to protect nearby town merchants, the common area and retail structure design itself, all have not been in favour. Any legitimate mall or mixed-use developer needs to see a real financial future and does not want politicians to stand in the way to feather their own nest.

The other key being that any new owner or Space Park take-over company must not only have the cash to make things happen, but also the ability to producing significant leasing and development experience. Even the SIMON GROUP who already (Hans C. Mautner their European head of Operations)has major shopping centre investments in France and Italy (CARREFOURE and Rinascente) has so far confidentially declined any Bremen involvement. The issue as I understand is that the retail, office and hotel components have to work first, besides a major dedicated planning effort in tourism promotion and marketing.

Moreover it has been noted that the Space Centre by itself is not the ?Kernstück? to make money but just a small ?by-product? that will have to come later as a simple attraction. To think that the present Space Centre could even come close to the Washington DC based National Air and Space Museum would be grossly overstated.

Unless a major player like SIMON or even Tishmann Speyer with their premier investments in Germany for example, can be made to step forward and with the proper financial resources, marketing and redevelopment expertise, the Space Park saga will maintain to be in trouble. A name and total identity change which would probably incense a few politicians, will probably be in order even before the first new owner officially takes over, besides a total change of the old team and politicians which contributed to the failure of the space rocket to fly. I hope that Jens, Jörg, Dr. Wilke and Allianz will see the light. A light that spells the deployment of a dedicated, creative, qualified and ?internationally well connected person? that has the ability to land a new owner with about US$750 Million in their pocket to re-launch an ill-fated affair.

At Di. Feb. 14, 09:20:00 PM MEZ, Blogger Luhma said...


it sounds that you're pretty well informed... ;-) and AFAIK you're right. I had high hopes in this whole project from the first moment but with every single story (I am following this story since mid-90s) I feel this is going to have no good ending. The ideas of Mr. Wilke were not bad at all but he had to cut money on all corners and so what we saw when the SpacePark opened was a pretty small Theme Park.
I think Triple5 would have been a great partner. But now it looks like Sonae is the big "winner"... To be honest: I have no idea whats best for this whole thing. Demolishing and building some nice flats? Starting this ThemePark again? As long as no one pushes this really to the top the bad reputation will stick to this area for a very long time. No one who is interested in Space-Stuff would take this serious anymore... But hey, we'll see...

BTW: How do you get the "ü" in "Kernstück"? *just kiddin*


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